
The End of "Metropolitan" Musings??

I've taken the liberty of giving myself a 6 month hiatus from blogging. Partially, because I don't get paid to do this and partially because I couldn't focus for more than 3.5 minutes at a time on completing a post worthy of sharing. If I had made it my New Years Resolution to blog more often, I would've failed more miserably than the contestants in this episode of Wheel of Fortune.

Anyway, I'm blogging now to get my thoughts out of my head (lord knows they're reeking havoc up there) and to seek input from my readers.

Recently, Boyfriend and I have been discussing our eventual plans to cohabitate (in more finite terms than sloppily confessing on a SundayFunday that living together would be way more awesome than our current situation). Our current middle-distance relationship involves a lot of strategic planning, zero midweek sex, and many sad Sunday nights on Metro North. Truth be told, if our places of employment weren't 90 minutes apart, I would have been thrilled to shack up with him months ago! But alas, that is not the case.

Given that neither of us are willing to look for new jobs, geographically speaking, Stamford, Connecticut is the only realistic compromise. An express train from Grand Central can get you there in 45 minutes and driving the reverse commute to New Haven would take about an hour.  Sounds fair right?
Sure, if it were that easy I wouldn't have anything bitch about.
It's not the distance in miles or the minutes spent commuting that concerns me. It is the complete culture shock I'm sure to experience moving to the "suburbs."
(I guarantee Boyfriend is scoffing as he reads this, and yes Patrick, I do realize there are paved roads and indoor plumbing!!)
But that doesn't change the fact that I've spent the past 4 years living on my own in and around Manhattan. I spent about half of that time in Astoria (which provided the inspiration for my first ever blog post), and as I moved up in the world, I moved IN to New York City. I couldn't have been happier to trade my SUV for the MTA.
It wasn't long before I had a memorized the subway system, found the best happy hour bars, and had a list of go-to spots for when friends from out of town came to visit. I finally lived in a city where everything I could possibly need was available within walking distance (or could be delivered) at all hours of the day and night. I bet no one's ever said that about Stamford!
But I digress...
Simply put, my fear is that I will not adjust well to so much change so quickly. Sharing a living space with my significant other will be a transition in and of itself .... but doing it without home field advantage? eeek.
I've often compared myself to a small child who requires a 10-minute "warning" before playtime is over to avoid a total meltdown. Apparently this is no different.

Will anyone even read my blog if I'm forced to change its title to Sarcasm from Stamford?!


this is why I'll never be fashionable

I don't like stupid footwear. In fact, I loathe stupid footwear. Whose idea was this anyway??? Did some asshole fashion designer wake up one morning and think, "hmmm, I'd really like my toes to be exposed today, but would rather not let my ankles get chilly." And then they crapped out the idea for the "bandal" (a contraction I made up to describe the hideous boot-sandal pictured above) and somehow it caught on.

Whenever I see shoes like this, I start to feel the way my grandparents did when they saw me in my shredded jeans from A&F. Ya know, the ones that "yes, Grams, I did in fact buy this way."
"Where's the rest of your pants?" she'd inquire. Meanwhile, here I am believing that I'm "cool" and find myself asking the same question about the above. Where the fuck is the rest of your boot, stripper??

But I'm pretty sure these take the cake for dumb fucking ideas. Have you ever in your life wished that your flip flops came with leg warmers attached?! Nope? Me neither. And explain to me in what climate these shoes would be necessary?!? Honestly, If I'm wearing flip flops it's summer. If I'm wearing leg warmers, it's 1989.
I just want to be left alone with my collection of $2.50 flip flops from Old Navy. Ugh. At least it's almost Ugg season....